Thursday, August 28, 2014

Anime Fashions for Real ♥

Posted by YannaDesu at 10:24 PM
I bought these glasses today and I love them so much I drew them.

I’ve gotten several questions asking how I did my h0les drawing! I took screenshots of all my layers so you can kinda see the process. I use Photoshop. I start out with a super messy sketch, which I then refine on another layer and flesh out colors.
From then, I keep refining by adding darker lines and smoothing out colors until I get to the finished product! The rainbow effect on the glasses was done by blocking out the crystal colors and then using an overlay layer on top to enhance them.

 **This was never meant to be a finished product, just a doodle, so there are a lot of things that I was just lazy with. (Like anatomy and not finishing the hand„ forgive me ; v ; )

 The facets on these glasses give you psychedelic visions, but the prismatic finish gives everyone else something to enjoy.


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